toku systems


Harness the power of high quality pressure data.

Get a truer picture of what is really happening in your production system so you can better solve your production challenges.

High Quality Pressure Data


standard 1-second sampling; configurable for sub-second sampling.

High-resolution pressure

capturing pressure changes, down to 0.01 psi (0.07 kPa).


all devices are time synchronized to the cell network.  


All sensors calibrated for accuracy from -40°C (-40°F) to +80°C (176°F)

fault tolerant
data delivery

Data captured, is data delivered.

Why it matters.

High quality pressure data enables you to visualize the fluid dynamics in and across your system, so you can know what is happening, when and where its happening.

High quality pressure data provides a clear picture of what is really going on inside your operations. When dealing with fluid, your production operations are always undergoing dynamic energy changes due to operations that are normal (e.g. pumps turning on/off), abnormal (e.g. pipeline leaks) and/or sub-optimal (e.g. poor pump efficiency). Those energy changes can only be seen through pressure, and high-quality pressure data is necessary for gaining the clarity of visibility to identify abnormal from normal operations.  

The difference between what you can see with high quality verses low quality data is kind of like the difference between a high-resolution and low-resolution photo:

Low Quality
High Quality



Here are just a few examples of what you can do with high quality pressure data:

  • See the stroking action of your rod pumps to get stroke-by-stroke pump performance.
  • Capture negative pressure waves caused by leak events that occur in a seconds.
  • Detect and localize slug movement.
  • Empower your AI or ML tools to gain even deeper insights and further enhance your operations – e.g. predictive maintenance

Click on the links below to find out more about how you can use high quality pressure data to solve your production challenges.


Monitoring solutions for protecting and optimizing your pipeline operations. 


Robust and reliable tank level monitoring solutions for remote tanks in hazardous locations


Know how well your pumps are really performing with stroke-by-stroke pump performance monitoring.

TOKU's End-to-End Industrial IoT
Monitoring System.

Contact us.